Monday, June 30, 2014

Best movies about guys moving on: HIGH FIDELITY, SWINGERS, CHUNGKING EXPRESS

Because sometimes it's ok for guys to want to watch a romantic comedy, here are three great movies about guys moving on from heavy relationships:

"High Fidelity" is worth viewing if only to see how someone like Jack Black could ever become a star. He steals just about every scene he's in, and the record shop banter between the workers is something to behold. Aside from that, this is John Cusack and Stephen Frears firing on all cylinders. The fourth wall breaking narration is clever, the humor is fresh, and the emotions are heartfelt without ever getting sappy. Fuck Ian.

"Swingers", the little indie film that made Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau (who wrote the script), is a pretty divisive film. You either hate it or you love it. Personally, I think it's an hilarious snapshot of L.A wannabes, and Jon Favreau is so awkward at times it hurts. I know on which side I firmly stand on this one. Fun fact: Doug Liman directed this. Yes, that Doug Liman from "The Bourne Identity" and "Edge of Tomorrow".  

Now, as good as the two previous titles are, "Chungking Express" blows them away. To me, it's still Wong Kar Wai's best film, so much so that it's hard to imagine it was a mostly improvised side-project while he was stuck in the middle of making "Ashes of Time". It's an infectious uplifting masterpiece, and I can't stop watching that video right now:

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