Thursday, July 3, 2014

Anders Thomas Jensen: The best writer/director you may have never heard of.

If Anders Thomas Jensen, a Danish writer/director, keeps things up the way he's been going, he may just have to be one day recognized as one of the most prolific auteurs ever. Seriously, his output, and its sheer brilliance, puts Woody Allen to shame. Don't believe me? This guy had no less than four movies out in 2005, and the number usually oscillates between two and three a year.

It's great.
Adam's Apples

Now, I must admit I haven't seen them all, and it's true that he's slowed down a bit since making the jump from Denmark. But those movies of his that I have gotten my hands on never fail to make an impression. Perhaps you've watched "In A Better World" ( Haevnen), "Brothers" (remade later with Jake Gylenhaal, Tobey Maguire, and Natalie Portman), or even "The Duchess"... but seriously, is this a guy on anyone's watchlist? How is it that I only hear about Lars Von trier, Nicolas Winding Refn, or even Thomas Vinterberg as far as Danish cinema is concerned?

If you're like me and struggle to come up with new things to watch now that you've "seen everything good there is to see", and if you aren't one of those hopeless subtitle-phobic people, then go ahead and dig up some of his older stuff. Though he's not afraid to switch around between genres, his twisted dark comedies are the best. Try "Adam's Apples" and "The Green Butchers" as your next double feature. Like a lot of his other movies, they both star Mads Mikkelsen and are pitch-perfect in execution.

a riff on sweeney todd
Sorry ladies, Mikkelsen is not in sexy mode in "The Green Butchers"

Personally, I can't wait for the upcoming "The Salvation" -- which oddly includes soccer legend Eric Cantona among its stellar cast:

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